My SLR is having issues, so this isn't a very good photo, but it was fun playing with shapes and values. The piece is titled "Starting Over from A to Z." The A is hiding. I used Shirt Tailor to stiffen the fabric when I beaded it, but it wasn't stiff enough. Anyone have any ideas about a stiffer interfacing that I'll still be able to hand sew through?
To make the final piece stiffer, I fused fabric onto some buckram and then sewed it onto the back.
Have you tried something like Timtex. It's thick--the interfacing that they use in Fabric Bowls. I use it for postcards and ATCs, and have beaded through it.
I love the game piece. It shows just how tiny this piece is.
I loved the Delete Key. I've never thought about using the tech stuff I have around at work in a quilt. Thanks for the inspiration. I found an interface that is woven used for curtain tops that is very stiff. I'll try to bring you a piece at our next meeting.
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