Most of the info I've read says that you should use vinegar or salt and water, but I get the best results using both. I spray the vinegar and then I sprinkle a little salt. Heat makes it speed up, and getting things just damp and not saturated seems to make the process go more quickly. So does heat and humidity, so it's fortunate that I started this on the two hottest days we've had in Ohio this year.
Several people have asked about the object I used for the rust. I think it's a threshing plate. Once upon time, my husband made clocks out of these gear looking thingies, and my stepfather Tim, whose family own Hetrick Farm Supply in New Bethlehem, PA passed these on to us. They've been sitting and rusting in the workshop for about eight years, so they are nice and rusty. You can see the gear somewhat clearly in the picture above. This is just after the cotton has been sprayed with vinegar, full strength.
It's raining now, but once the sun comes back out, I plan to see how rust and tannin mix. The tannin I'll use will come from two iced tea size bags in one cup of water, but I'm thinking of trying it in different dilutions to see what kind of variation I get. I'm wondering if the tannins will attach to the rust that I've already stopped with washing soda or if it will just attach to the new rust. Hopefully, it will be hot again today. (And I live in a house without air conditioning, so that tells you how much fun I'm having with this--I don't mind being hot so long as my rust dyes can develop nicely. The sacrifices we make for art ;-).
Do you rust dye for the colour or for the decomposing nature of the fabric that has been coloured by rust?
If you 'just want the colour' will you have images, of your rusty fabric just the way you like it now, printed at a printing company like the one that was discussed on QuiltArt list or offered by a fabrci manufacturer as part of a fabric line.
Anyone can do anything; one step at a time!
Nice work! I was happy to se the side by side comparison of the two fabrics. Thanks for sharing this info. Your results are beautiful.
I love the rust dyeing that you have shown us!! that threshing plate is faulous!! I have been doing lots of rust work- on cottons mostly and have not heard of the radiance- what is the content.
I have several posts with rusting on my blog!
Drp on by when you have a spare minute!!~!
I will be back to visit your blog!!
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