This March journal quilt continues my work with circles, and it is also in response to the piecing exercises in Art Quilt Workbook.
The fabric in this exercise is hand painted. So is the thread. I couldn't find the variegated thread that Laura Wasilowski talks about in her Quilting Arts article, so I wondered if I could make my own. I could and did, and I tried it with several different types of Jacquard paints: Dye-na-flow, Lumiere, NeoPaque, and Textile Paints. I actually painted the thread first and then rubbed the fabric around in the paint that was left after I'd set the thread to dry.
The hand quilting on this quilt is inspired by the work of Jeana Eve Clark, again. Not so much in the way I've made the quilting decisions, but in her use of circles and lines made from French knots and a simple running stitch.
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